Friday, March 14, 2025
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From Dash 4 Cash to Scale & Trail!

This article was originally published in RC Driver’s November 2015 issue.

Several rigs trek into the woods at the start of the Poker Run.

Several Months ago, I introduced you to Bryan Davies of Port Deposit, MD and his Dash 4 Cash quarter races. Since then, Bryan has taken an interest in scale and trail trucks so he immediately began developing plans for a new event to offer the RC addicts in the area. He built a course in the woods next to his off-road track that includes a host of challenges for new and experienced scalers and trailers. Among them are a log climbing section, a suspension bridge, hill climbing and a river crossing.

On Sunday, August 23 he held a scale and trail event that featured a poker run. Participating drivers buy in for $1 that goes into the pot. Each obstacle on the course has a stack of playing cards at the end of it. Drivers who successfully complete the challenge pick up one card. The driver with the best poker hand at the end of all the challenges is the winner and takes the pot. There are about five runs on event day, ensuring that everyone gets plenty of wheel time on the course.

On this day, Bryan had about 40 people show up. A little less than half of them competed in the scale & trail event and the others were there to witness the slow motion action on the trail and to test and tune their own vehicles on the oval in preparation for the next Dash 4 Cash event to be held September 6th. Events are also scheduled for October 4 and November 1. Rain or shine. If you are a true diehard RC driver then watch for information on the New Year’s Eve event that starts at midnight. It will be the first official race of 2016.

If you are anywhere near northeastern Maryland check out the Facebook page at facebook.com/bryandaviesdashforcash to watch for future events. They thin out over the winter and fire back up in the spring. These gatherings of hardcore RC freaks are some of the best I’ve participated in. It is a nice change from the large events that only allow you 10-15 minutes of runtime on race day. If you plan to attend one of Bryan’s events you may want to leave the young ones home. This group is a great bunch of hobbyists that can get a little rowdy, but it is all in fun! I have attended a couple of times and it’s some of the best RC fun you’ll ever have…unless you thrive on race-day chaos with little wheel time.

A little winch assistance gets a driver back on course. An Axial Rig completes one of the challenges. The driver then chooses a card from the stack to include in his poker hand Several rigs trek into the woods at the start of the Poker Run.

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