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Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
It may not be a favorite RC task for most of us but we will all need to glue up some new tires at some point in our RC careers. Zap has introduced rubberized CA glue that won’t become brittle like other tire glues. The process of gluing tires is the same but the Zap glue is a little thicker than many other glues.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Once you have placed your foam insert into the tire you need to “roll” it around inside to make sure there are no creases. Do this b y placing your fingers inside as shown and press outward while rolling your hands on e over the other until the insert is evenly placed. If you use the molded urethane type of inserts they should fit much for easily.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Once the insert is placed, use your thumb and work it around the bead to make sure the foam is completely secured under the bead.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Push the wheel in from the front by started at one side and pushing all the way around the wheel until it is seated in the tire.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Carefully work you way around the bead on the back side of the wheel, using both hands, to confirm that the tire is seated properly and the foam is not pinched or bunched up. Again, molded inserts are much easier at this stage, and not likely to get out of shape.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Pull and stretch the bead on the front of the tire to seat it properly on the wheel. Keep and eye on the foams here, too.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
I like to use Velcro battery straps while the glue dries. Place the strap loosely around the tire. Pull the bead out gently and place the glue in small drops. Let the bead in then pull it out and let it in again. This will help to spread the thick glue evenly. Use the glue sparingly to keep it from oozing out onto the face of the tire. Work your way around the tire’s bead. By the time you get back to where you started the first glue applied will be starting to take hold and cure.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Keep the strap up near the top of the tire and pull it tightly, making sure the bead is set evenly all the way around.

Gluing Tires with Zap Rubberized CA Glue
Once the backside glue has cured completely, repeat the process on the front of the tire.

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