Saturday, December 21, 2024

Kumamon! Kumamon! Kumamon!

This article was originally published in RC Driver’s November 2015 issue.
Ask Tony

You got questions, I have answers. Feel free to ask any RC related questions; questions on tuning, on article cars, on racing or just to ask how I’m doing! I’ll do my best to answer all of them.


Hey Tony. I got the last issue of the mag and love the Kumamon challenge you guys did. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun with it. Nice to see someone not afraid to put out some fun articles instead of the constant racer reviews! Keep up the good work!
Peter P., Longview, TX


Hey Peter, It’s funny you should mention this. We sometimes get so wrapped up in the everyday articles that we sometimes for- get to have some fun. When we saw that Tamiya was releasing the Kumamon kit, I immediately knew we should do something really fun with them. I mean, c’mon … a dune buggy with a bear in it … how can you not want to just play with that? Not only did the article turn out great, we really did enjoy maxing out our bear buggies! We’ve got a few other fun articles planned in the future so keep your eye out for more editorial smiles! —Tony

Got A Question?

Head over to the Ask Tony page and shoot me a message. I’ll either get it on the web or, if I like you enough, put it in the mag!

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