Sunday, December 22, 2024

NEW Traxxas TRX-4 Performance & Accessory Parts

Traxxas has certainly made a mark quickly in the scale trail crawler world with the TRX-4 and now they have just released word about a bunch of parts truck owners have been waiting for. In the driveline department, Traxxas now offers a single speed transmission gear set, differential spool and for the suepsnion, they have a complete PTFE coated hallow ball set. Also for the suspension, there are new blue, green and PTFE coated shocks bodies, or you can get them as a complete set, new springs and new titanium nitride coated shock shafts. Then we finally have the Tactical body set available in night camo or clear, assembled tactical tires and wheels, tactical wheels, black fuel canisters and black jack. These Traxxas TRX-4 Performance parts are certainly going to boost the performance and style of your off-road scale machine!

Driveline and Performance Accessories

Suspension Accessories

Scale Accessories


For more information, part numbers and prices, visit: TRAXXAS


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