Thursday, January 23, 2025
rc car

Nitro Decisions

From RC Driver Issue: 135

Ask Tony

You got questions, I have answers. Feel free to ask any RC related questions; questions on tuning, on article cars, on racing or just to ask how I’m doing! I’ll do my best to answer all of them.


Hello Tony. I’m writing this letter to first give you props on your magazine. I’m a first time reader and really love it. I’m interested in a new nitro 1/8 scale 4WD and researching some options. Right now I’m looking at the Serpent Cobra, Tekno NB-48, HPI Trophy 3.5 or 4.6 and Hot Bodies D812-D8T. Can you give me some info on these vehicles and their addresses so I can contact them with some further questions? I also mailed in my subscription card! Keep up the good work.
Julian L. Colfax, WA


Hey Julian, First off, thanks for the kind words. We work hard every month to put out the best magazine we can. It’s nice to hear that our readers appreciate our work. To your question, I’m also happy to see that you are doing your research before making a big purchase in the 1/8-scale category. All of the vehicles you have listed there are excellent. I’ve had the opportunity to drive the Tekno, HPI Trophy 4.6 and HB D8T and they’re pretty amazing vehicles. We are looking at two different types of vehicles though. The Serpent, Tekno and HB D812 are buggies while the HPI and HB D8T are considered truggies. If you plan on racing in the future, the 1/8 buggy class is definite- ly a larger class, so that might help narrow the choices down from the start. Another deciding factor might be kit vs. RTR; the Cobra comes as both while the Tekno and HB both come as kits (meaning you’ll have to purchase all the support gear as well). Here are the web addresses of the vehicles so you can do a little further research: www.serpent.com, www.teknorc.com, www.hpiracing.com, www.hotbodiesonline. com. Good luck!

Thanks for contacting me!

Got A Question?

Head over to the Ask Tony page and shoot me a message. I’ll either get it on the web or, if I like you enough, put it in the mag!

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