Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Submit News

Unfortunately we can’t be everywhere all the time, so news submissions are certainly welcome. Race reports, pictures at a big, local event or even something straight off the internet, we want to know! Fill out the form below and shoot us the report. We will contact you shortly with a return e-mail and, at that time, you can send us over the pictures.

Information Guidelines:
• For race reports, please include details of the event (dates, locations, track names, etc.), the qualifying results (top 3), a brief synopsis of the final main event (or events if there are triple A-mains), final results (minimum top 3), and a podium shot of the top three.
• Event reports follow similar guidelines as the race reports. Pictures of event sponsors are always welcome.
• For product information, please provide a detailed description of the product, its uses, what vehicles it works with, part numbers and pricing (if available). A couple good shots of the product are required also.

Image Guidelines:
• Photos must be hi-res, preferably around 1200px wide, and must be in focus. For the web, photos can be a little smaller (no smaller than 950px), but if you want to see your stuff in print, 1200px is the minimum.
• The images should be images only; no text, logos, or additional graphics layered on top. We need the freedom to crop the images a certain way if need be.

News Submissions Have Been Disabled At This Time, Please Contact Us Through Our Facebook Page.