Thursday, March 13, 2025
traxxas sale

Traxxas Slash 4×4 Brushed Short Course Video Review

The Traxxas Slash 4×4 has been available for some time now, but it’s it’s been a brushless powered machine and the truck has some features that make its price tag a little out of reach for some RC fanatics. It’s also a lot of truck to handle and for those getting into RC, that can be a little intimidating. So Traxxas did a little homework, listened to what people were looking for and added another vehicle option to their line-up. The big TRX now offers the Slash 4×4 Brushed and we were able to get our hands on one to try out. This now looks like a great 4×4 short course truck for new drivers to get into the hobby with, its durable, controllable and at a price that more people will gravitate to. We took this beast out for a drive after 2 weeks of rain, so it got wet, muddy and abused. Can this truck be the perfect basher for kids and adults? Take a look for yourself.

Traxxas Slash 4×4 Brushed
Part Number: 68054-1
Price: $319.99
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Slash 4x4 Brushed

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